DMclone 1.4 (Win&Mac)

Efficient Disk Cloning Software
DMclone for Windows is one of the best disk cloning software. It can help you securely and easily clone HDD, SSD, memory card, USB flash drive, etc from one location to another. You also can use it to help you upgrade old hard drive to a new one without reinstalling Windows OS.
Partition Clone Mode
The partition-level disk cloning mode. Clone a hard drive partition to a new hard drive partition or device or clone data from external device to your hard drive partition.
Disk Cloning Mode
The disk-level disk cloning mode. This mode can help you easily clone an entire hard disk drive to another hard disk drive or external device or clone data from external device to your hard disk drive.

Why You Need DMclone for Windows?
DMclone for Windows is 100% safe disk cloning software. It supports to clone any type of hard disk drive or removable storage device.

Reliable Disk Cloning Solution
Easily Upgrade Your Hard Drive
Easy Data Backup Software
Securely Replace Old Disk with SSD
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Translate DMclone in ROMANIAN Language

Hello allow me to introduce myself: I am Daniel Bendas ( Please let me know if you want to translate your software - "DMclone" in ROMANIAN Language. I will gladly help and my reward will be a private, not for resale license...
Daniel Bendas, 30.09.2022, 08:48
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